Meet the Undertaker Bee!

Meet the Undertaker Bee!

Did you know that most honeybees live only 5-7 weeks? The Queen Bee is the exception, thanks to Royal Jelly ­ she lives 5-6 years! But because of the big turn-around in population, something must be done to keep the hive clean of all the dead bees that die in the hive. That is where the Undertaker Bee comes in! The Undertaker Bee¹s job is to collect the bodies of dead bees and take them to the hive entrance, and throw them out onto the ground. This keeps the hive clean and sterile, and the hive a happy place ­ without dead bees everywhere! The Queen stays busy laying eggs, which hatch into new babies, and keep the population of the hive at the appropriate levels. Of course, in the summer, when the bees start bringing pollen back to the hive, the Queen becomes busier than ever laying eggs, because the food is then present to grow the population of the hive tremendously!
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